Why the need for Good Accounting
Business decisions in today’s world has an impact to your company’s account. We as qualified professionals with rich past experience will be able to offer you range of advices on accounts, taxation and GST matters. We also provide a meeting one-on-one with the owner of the business to let them further understands the position of the company’s account. We will always strive to add value to the owner’s business through our services provided.
“We are here to provide full account services and drafting of unaudited financial statements for exempt companies. ”
All locally incorporated companies are required to hold their Annual General Meeting (AGM) and file their annual returns under S175, S197 and S201 of the Companies Act. At the AGM, director(s) shall present a true and fair view of the company’s accounts to their shareholders. The relevant documents such as financial statements, balance sheet, directors’ report and auditor’s report has to be presented to shareholders at least 14 days before the AGM.
Majority of the private limited companies in Singapore are exempted from audit if they fulfill certain conditions. We are here to provide full account services and drafting of unaudited financial statements for exempt companies. We have been engaged by various industries of SMEs to compile annual accounts, prepare and assist in submission of corporate income tax and review on GST submission quarterly.
Every year all companies are required to file their financial accounts, tax computation and relevant supporting documents with IRAS together with Form C. Or alternatively qualified company can file Form C-S. Form C-S is a shortened 3-page tax return for small companies to report their income to IRAS. Companies filing Form C-S are not required to submit financial accounts, tax computation and supporting schedules with the form. However, they are still required to retain and submit them to IRAS upon request.